
Top des jeux abstraits de Mul

Top des jeux abstraits de Mul Approuvé par 2 player(s)

Un top des jeux sans thème, ou presque. Dans la lignée des monstres sacrés que sont le go et les échecs, on trouve une multitude de pépites ludiques plus accessibles et rapides. Un petit top personnel pour les duels de matière grise entre amis.

Mul par Mul

  • Yinsh


    YINSH is a worthy continuation of Project GIPF and originally the fifth game of that series.

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  • Hive


    Hive is a tactical game that is easy to learn and exciting to master. The chess game of the modern age!

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  • Onitama


    Onitama is a two-player, perfect information abstract game with a random starting set-up. On a 5x5 board, both players start with five pawns on their side, with the main pawn in the middle.

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  • 4/10



    >Dvonn est un jeu d'empilements stratégiques, avec un ensemble de règles simples. Il se joue avec trois pièces Dvonn, 23 pièces blanches et 23 pi

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  • 5/10

    Yōkaï no Mori


    In the Land of the Rising Sun, at the heart of a forest, the spirits – the Yōkaï – throw down friendly challenges to one another on their favorite playing field: their aim is to capture the opposing koropokkuru (an old imp, full of wisdom).

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  • 6/10

    Ricochet Robots


    Ricochet Robots is a puzzle game played at high speed. An old robot with no brakes has to get to a place on the board quickly. You have to make sure that you are able to stop it.

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  • 7/10



    Atteindre le premier la ligne opposée à votre ligne de départ. Votre problème : l'adversaire pose des barrières pour vous ralentir ! Rassurez vou...

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  • 8/10



    Is the trunk of the elephant stronger than the horn of the rhinoceros? The question is still hotly debated in the Kingdom of Siam. The two powerful and proud species are constantly challenging each other around three rocks to prove their domination. 

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  • 9/10



    In TZAAR the players have 30 pieces of 3 different types

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  • 10/10



    The object is to place the fourth piece in a row in which all four pieces have at least one attribute in common. The twist is that your opponent gets to choose the piece you place on the board each turn.

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