


Korhal par Korhal

  • 6 qui Surprend


    To celebrate its 25 years of success, 6 qui prend returns in a special version, 6 qui surprend, comprising 28 additional cards and a score block. The player with the least cards at the end, wins the game.

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  • Skull King


    Skull King is a trick game where you bet on the exact number of tricks you think you will make in each round. Try to keep your bet afloat while seizing opportunities to sink your opponents...

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  • [Kosmopoli:t]


    [Kosmopoli:t] is a cooperative game in which players all live together the atmosphere of the evening service of a very cosmopolitan restaurant where customers come from all over the world to order in their language.

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  • 4/7



    Spicy is a bluffing game for 2 to 6 players. Place a card face down and call a spice and value. Are you telling the truth? Let your opponents find out.

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  • 5/7



    Codenames is a language and deduction game in which two spy teams compete. At their head, two masters of rival spying are the only ones to know the secret identities of the 25 agents.

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  • 6/7

    Skull Silver


    Challenge your friends with the bluff game Skull Silver! Flower or skull? Sow doubt in your opponents' minds in this simple and effective offbeat game.

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  • 7/7

    Crack List


    French words game.

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