
Jeu en famille

Jeu en famille

MattDemon34 par MattDemon34

  • Abyss



    Abyss’s power is vacant again. Your time has come to get your hands on the throne and its privileges. Use all your cunning to receive or buy votes from the council, recruit the most influential lords and abuse their powers to take control of the most strategic territories.

  • Wingspan


    Wingspan is a collector's game in which players play as bird lovers, researchers, observers, ornithologists or collectors, with the aim of setting up the most beautiful aviary.

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  • Carcassonne


    Return to medieval times with Carcassonne. Build a landscape using tiles, then try to control a maximum of territories. A game where the strategy is combined with simplicity.

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  • 4/6



    Survive or perish!

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  • 5/6

    Terraforming Mars


    In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable.

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  • 6/6

    The Game


    In The Game, all players together must be able to put all cards on 4 batteries: 2 ascending, 2 descendants.

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