
Pour s'amuser

Pour s'amuser

Pour s'amuser par BaptisteFriuli

  • Decrypto


    Decrypto is a game of deduction and communication in which players have to transmit secret codes to their teammates without the opponents being able to intercept them

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  • Time Bomb


    Time Bomb is a bruff and fast deduction game where the tension continues to rise throughout the game. In which camp will you be? Among the Gentiles or the bad guys? Play Time Bomb and you'll know it!

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  • Love Letter


    Love Letter is a fast-paced game of deduction and risk-taking in which players must thwart their opponents' plans to gain the princess' trust.

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  • 4/8

    6 qui prend


    6 Who takes is a card game created by Wolfgang Kramer in 1994. In this great classic of board game, your goal is simple: collect as little cards as possible to win the game.

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  • 5/8



    In Cerbère, will you cooperate or do you play solo by betraying your friends to escape the Cerberus and cross the Styx? This game offers reversals of epic situations and puts your confidence in Rude Tervique.

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  • 6/8



    Il n’y a ici ni valets, ni reines, ni rois, mais une cinquième couleur, dite Payoo, plus un drôle de dé. Comment marquer… le moins de points po...

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  • 7/8



    The worst score wins.... Lose to win !

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  • 8/8



    Un seul but : se débarrasser de ses dés. Le piège : moins vous en avez, plus ce sera difficile! Les règles très simples cachent un mécanisme hy...

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