


  • Wingspan


    Wingspan is a collector's game in which players play as bird lovers, researchers, observers, ornithologists or collectors, with the aim of setting up the most beautiful aviary.

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  • Star Wars : Rébellion


    Star Wars: Rebellion allows players to replay the epic conflict opposing the Galactic Empire to the Rebel Alliance. Use your military power to crush the rebellious base or initiate a large rebellion.

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  • Colt Express


    In Colt Express, play a desperado who attacks a traveler train in this game that takes place at the Far West! No pity, there can only be one AS of the trigger!

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    Harry Potter - Bataille à Poudlard


    Play as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Neville Londubat in their fight against Voldemort in this cooperative deck-building game.

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    Caylus 1303


    Caylus 1303 is the new version of Caylus, released in 2005 and rewarded multiple times. Create the necessary resources and help to erect the largest of the castles to obtain the king's favors.

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    Les Aventuriers du Rail Europe


    From Edinburgh to Constantinople and from Lisbon to Moscow, you'll visit great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe.

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    Memoire 44


    Memoir '44 is a unique historical game where players command a horde of little plastic Army men facing-off in dozens of WWII battles on an oversize hex game board.

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