
Mes top jeux

Mes top jeux

Anaëlle par Anaëlle

  • Wingspan


    Wingspan is a collector's game in which players play as bird lovers, researchers, observers, ornithologists or collectors, with the aim of setting up the most beautiful aviary.

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  • Fiesta De Los Muertos


    Welcome to the Fiesta de los Muertos. On this sacred day, the dead are back!

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  • Cerbère


    In Cerbère, will you cooperate or do you play solo by betraying your friends to escape the Cerberus and cross the Styx? This game offers reversals of epic situations and puts your confidence in Rude Tervique.

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  • 4/9

    Exploding Kittens


    Ask for favors, attack friends, see the future- whatever it takes to avoid explosion!

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  • 5/9

    Les Aventuriers du Rail Europe


    From Edinburgh to Constantinople and from Lisbon to Moscow, you'll visit great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe.

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  • 6/9



    You play two hikers who hike the park's trails during all four seasons of the year. On the trails, you will collect memories and take action. This will provide you with resources that you can exchange for a visit to a national park at the end of each hike.

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  • 7/9



    Meadow is an engaging set collection game with over two hundred unique cards containing hand-painted watercolor illustrations. In the game, players take the role of explorers competing for the title of the most skilled nature observer.

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  • 8/9

    Living Forest


    Four nature spirits have been assigned to save the sacred tree from Onibi's devastating flames. Each of them will have to choose among the elements brought to them by the Guardian Animals to replant protective trees, repel Onibi's flames or awaken Sanki, the Guardian of the forest...

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  • 9/9



    Cascadia is a game assembly of tiles and tokens draft featuring habitats and wildlife from the North West Pacific. It's up to you to create a diversified and harmonious ecosystem.

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