
enfant trouble de l' attention et dyslexie

enfant trouble de l' attention et dyslexie Approuvé par 1 player(s)

Jeux pour enfants avec troubles de l'attention et dyslexie qui font travailler la mémoire, la vitesse, la concentration et la lecture

  • Skyjo


    The worst score wins.... Lose to win !

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  • Halli Galli


    Halli Galli is a speed action game in which players watch for sets of exactly five fruit. The deck contains 56 playing cards showing four kinds of fruit in groups of 1 to 5 and a bell of the type found at hotel reception desks.

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  • Face de Bouc


    The funniest of memory gaps!

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  • 4/10



    Marrakech is an investment game in which players embody merchants trying to outdo the others. The souk is in turmoil, who will be the most skillful merchant?

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  • 5/10

    Les Aventuriers du Rail


    Discover Les Aventuriers du Rail, a must-see of the game of modern society! Take control of the American rail network by connecting a maximum of cities between them.

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  • 6/10



    Qwirkle is THE game for the whole family: easy to understand and rich in tactical possibilities. Combine the different wooden tiles to form series.

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  • 7/10

    Tam Tam Mix Max : La Ferme

    Cow, Rooster, Hen.... What will be the pair?

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  • 8/10

    Trésor des dragons


    Pour découvrir ces trésors, il suffit de retourner les dalles du sol de la caverne et de pouvoir emporter ce qui s’y trouve. Mais à condition de n...

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  • 9/10



    In Punto, you're trying to create a line of four or five of your cards, but you can't always place them where you want.

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  • 10/10



    Cluedo is the most famous investigation in the world. In this transgenerational board game, players will have to resolve a very mysterious affair: the death of Doctor Lenoir at the Manor Tudor. Discover the author of this horrible crime!

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