


Quicksand is a real-time co-operative game in which players work together to deactivate the "Quicksand", a dangerous trap of gears and sand. You can't just race as quickly as possible, though, because you must avoid setting off the trap.

  • French
  • From 8 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 1 to 7 player(s)

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Quicksand is a real-time co-operative game in which players work together to deactivate the "Quicksand", a dangerous trap of gears and sand. You can't just race as quickly as possible, though, because you must avoid setting off the trap.
To set up, choose one of the 20+ scenarios, then lay out the gear tiles in the specified path and place the appropriate sand timers — which have different amounts of sand in them — on the first gears of the path. (The path might have obstacles on it based on the particular scenario.) Gears feature both a color (orange, yellow, gray) and a shape (square, circle, crescent). Each player starts with a hand of three cards, with a card showing one of the three colors, one of the three shapes, or a sand timer.
Once the game starts, players play a card in turn to try to advance the sand timers and keep them from running out, refilling their hand after they play. When you play a color or shape card, you flip all of the sand timers currently on this color/shape, advancing them one space on the path if that next space is empty. When you play a sand timer card, you flip any one timer, advancing it, if possible. (If no timers are on gears matching the played card, nothing happens.)
If a sand timer runs out, flip it and place it next to the gear on which it was previously located. If someone plays a sand timer card, they can recover this timer by flipping and placing it back onto the gear — but only if that tile is empty. If a set-aside timer runs out again, players lose the game.
Once a timer reaches the last open space on the path, played cards matching that gear's color/shape will flip it — and if it runs out, you lose the game with no chance of recovery. If the sand timers fill the final gear tiles on the path without this happening, you win!
Theme(s) Nature
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) Real TimeCo-operative
Author(s) Lorenzo SilvaHjalmar Hach
Artist Maxime MorinNoa Vassali
Overall score 4.2
Editor Iello





Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Bloggers

Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 3/5 sur ce produit
  • Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Gus & Co, voici son avis :


    Quicksand, un jeu coopératif en temps réel où les joueurs doivent désamorcer de dangereux mécanismes avant que les sabliers ne s'écoulent. Le jeu requiert coordination, communication et rapidité pour venir à bout des 21 niveaux de difficulté croissante. Chaque joueur dispose de cartes représentant des formes et couleurs, qu'il doit jouer stratégiquement pour retourner et faire avancer les sabliers sans qu'aucun ne se vide.

    Quicksand est un jeu d'ambiance sympathique qui teste la capacité de collaboration des joueurs, mais qui manque franchement d'originalité et de profondeur par rapport à d'autres jeux similaires comme... Kites par exemple.

    Malgré quelques mécaniques de jeu intéressantes, comme la gestion des sabliers et les défis de communication, selon nous, Quicksand n'est pas un indispensable et il ne captivera pas durablement l'intérêt des joueurs.

    Un verdict final mitigé. Quelques parties de temps en temps suffiront pour apprécier ce jeu sans pour autant le classer parmi les must-have.

    Sympathique, sans plus.

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    par Dobeti

    (8 avis positifs)

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