
Mon top! (Naratif et Euro gamer)

Mon top! (Naratif et Euro gamer)

Mon top 15 ! (Parmi les jeux dispo, Eclipse et Terre d'Arles et 7th Continent manquent à l'appel). Je suis surtout fan de jeux naratifs (en couple) et d'Euro (avec les potes).

Courgax par Courgax

  • Gloomhaven



    Gloomhaven is a game of Euro-inspired tactical combat in a persistent world of shifting motives

  • This War of Mine : le Jeu de Plateau


    This War of Mine is a suitable game of video game of the same name. A group of civilians, entrenched in a house of a besieged city, tries to survive the horrors of an endless war.

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  • Robinson Crusoé - Aventures sur l'île Maudite

    Robinson Crusoé - Aventures sur l'île Maudite


    Robinson Crusoe: Aventures sur l'île Maudite is an adventure game for you and your friends to play as castaways on an uninhabited island.

  • 4/9

    À la Gloire d'Odin


    À la gloire d'Odin is an expert game in which you have to prepare a feast for the glory of the God of Vikings. Trade, go hunting, launch raids, loot, ransack and plunder again!

    Voir ce produit

  • 5/9

    Blood Rage


    In Blood Rage, players take control of powerful Viking clans in search of glory before the world is coming to an end in an apocalypse atmosphere.

    Voir ce produit

  • 6/9



    It is a time of unrest in 1920s Europa. The ashes from the first great war still darken the snow. The capitalistic city-state known simply as “The Factory,” which fueled the war with heavily armored mechs, has closed its doors, drawing the attention of several nearby countries.

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  • 7/9

    Roll for the Galaxy


    This dice version of Race for the Galaxy takes players on a new journey through the Galaxy, but with the feel of the original game.

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  • 8/9



    In Patchwork, two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt.

    Voir ce produit

  • 9/9

    Spirit Island 3e édition


    Spirit Island is a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players in which each player embodies a spirit of nature, defending his island against ruthless invaders.

    Voir ce produit

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