
Top jeux à 2...mais pas que

Top jeux à 2...mais pas que

Idéal pour jouer en tête à tête. Et pourtant quelques amis pourraient s'y rajouter.

  • Roll for the Galaxy


    This dice version of Race for the Galaxy takes players on a new journey through the Galaxy, but with the feel of the original game.

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  • Underwater Cities


    In Underwater Cities, players compete to build the best underwater nation, an archipelago of underwater cities connected by a network of transportation tunnels.

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  • Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale


    In Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale, as a cartographer in the service of Queen Gimnax, you are sent to map the territory of the North Lands. Respond to royal requests and increase your reputation.

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  • 4/6

    Les Tavernes de la Vallée Profonde


    In the village of Tiefenthal lies "Les Tavernes de la Vallée Profonde". There, all citizens from the area gather, but it's important to attract new, wealthy guests for only then is there enough money to expand the tavern

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  • 5/6

    L'Île des Chats


    French edition of the boardgame The Isle of Cats

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  • 6/6

    Century - Édition Golem


    Century - Édition Golem is a limited edition of Century - The Route des spices, available under another theme and another design. The players travel the famous Golem route to deliver the crystals to the borders of the world of Caravania.

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