
Top 2 joueurs

Top 2 joueurs Approuvé par 5 player(s)

Mes jeux favoris pour 2 joueurs. Des systèmes de jeux élégants et complexes qui regorgent de décisions difficiles. Pour joueurs exigeants.

  • Five Tribes


    In Five Tribes, your caravan crosses the country of the 1001 nights and arrives at the legendary Sultanate of Naqala. The old sultan has just died and the control of Naqala is to be seized!

    Voir ce produit

  • 7 Wonders Duel


    7 Wonders Duel is the adaptation 2 players of 7 Wonders. Triumce your opponent by developing and improving your civilization on the civil, scientific and military levels.

    Voir ce produit

  • Patchwork


    In Patchwork, two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt.

    Voir ce produit

  • 4/7



    Hive is a tactical game that is easy to learn and exciting to master. The chess game of the modern age!

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  • 5/7



    Klask: Onomatopoeia caused by the fall of a pawn for the purpose. In general, the possessor of said pawn in rage, especially when seeing his opponent make fun of him openly!

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  • 6/7

    Lost Cities


    Lost Cities - The duel is a game for two in which players lead to expeditions through five regions: the Himalayas, the virgin forest, the desert, the volcano and under the sea.

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  • 7/7



    Il est dit que la loi de la jungle est celle du plus fort ... le lion roi impétueux, est craint de tous les animaux. Tigres, panthères et loups ...

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