
Les jeux familiaux

Les jeux familiaux Approuvé par 1 player(s)

Ces jeux que l'ont joue avec plaisir tous ensemble en famille. Des règles simples, des parties à la durée modérée et un plaisir ludique pour tous.

Débrief Ludik par Débrief Ludik

  • Les Petites Bourgades

    Les Petites Bourgades


    You're the mayor of a small town hidden in the middle of the forest. Space and resources are limited, but not your construction projects.

  • Roi & Compagnie

    Roi & Compagnie


    The players want to gain new citizens for their kingdoms by fulfilling the various requirements on the cards with three rolls of the dice.

  • Magic Maze On Mars

    Magic Maze On Mars


    Like Magic Maze, each player has actions that only he can perform. Cooperate to achieve a common goal, and always without speaking out!

  • 4/9

    Potion Explosion


    Explosion Potion is a collection game in which players embody last year students at the Horribilorum Sorcellery Academy. The year is almost over, it's time to spend the latest exams.

    Voir ce produit

  • 5/9



    Draftosaurus is a family draft game in which players must select the most beautiful dinosaurs to populate the enclosures of their zoo. At the end of the two rounds, the player with the most points wins the game.

    Voir ce produit

  • 6/9



    With Kingdomino, build yourself the most beautiful kingdom by recovering the best parcels. Be the smartest, the other castellans won't give you any gifts!

    Voir ce produit

  • 8/9

    6 qui prend


    6 Who takes is a card game created by Wolfgang Kramer in 1994. In this great classic of board game, your goal is simple: collect as little cards as possible to win the game.

    Voir ce produit

  • 9/9

    La course vers El Dorado


    Race through a dense South American jungle in pursuit of the legendary city of gold.

    Voir ce produit

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