
Ma Ludothèque

Ma Ludothèque Approuvé par 2 player(s)

Anaëlle par Anaëlle

  • Wingspan


    Wingspan is a collector's game in which players play as bird lovers, researchers, observers, ornithologists or collectors, with the aim of setting up the most beautiful aviary.

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  • L'Île des Chats


    French edition of the boardgame The Isle of Cats

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  • Codenames


    Codenames is a language and deduction game in which two spy teams compete. At their head, two masters of rival spying are the only ones to know the secret identities of the 25 agents.

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    Zombie Bus


    Zombie Bus is a cooperative zombie game, but where everyone plays for their own. In this Yam's inspired game with lots of player interaction, try to save all the cheerleaders from the undead invasion.

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    The Chakra placement game offers, in a Zen atmosphere, to tritu the meninges in search of interior tranquility. Nourish, align and harmonize your chakras.

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    In Cerbère, will you cooperate or do you play solo by betraying your friends to escape the Cerberus and cross the Styx? This game offers reversals of epic situations and puts your confidence in Rude Tervique.

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    Queendomino isn’t a simple extension of Kingdomino, it’s a stand-alone game! 

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    Loup-Garou pour un Crépuscule


    In Loup-Garou pour un crépuscule, players take on the role of Villagers, Werewolves or special characters. In this secret role-playing game, discover werewolves and win the game.

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    Twin It !


    You pair or you lose! Open your eyes wide!

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    Similo : Tales


    In Similo Tales, make the other players guess a secret character among the 12 in the center of the table. You can use other cards in your hand as clues.

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    Rummikub Chiffres (Boite Carton)


    Create and complete series, suites and numbers combinations to get rid of your plates first.

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    Exploding Kittens


    Ask for favors, attack friends, see the future- whatever it takes to avoid explosion!

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    Taboo is the atmosphere game par excellence. In this great classic game, players need to guess a maximum of words in a time allowed without pronouncing forbidden words. This edition incorporates full of new challenges!

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    Draft dice & use the tools-of-the-trade to carefully construct your stained glass window masterpiece.

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    La Quête du Bonheur


    We all have a common goal: to be happy.

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    Similo: Myths


    In Similo: Myths, find the secret character among the most famous characters from Greek and Egyptian mythology.

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    Similo : Histoire


    Find the secret character among the most famous characters in history.

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    Les Aventuriers du Rail Europe


    From Edinburgh to Constantinople and from Lisbon to Moscow, you'll visit great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe.

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    Wingspan - Extension Océanie


    Wingspan - Oceania Extension is the second extension of the Wingspan game, which focuses on birds from Australia and New Zealand.

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    Chakra - Extension Yin Yang


    It's up to you to find the right balance yin and yang, between black energy and white energy. Combine the different chakra extension modules - Yin Yang extension.

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    Cosmic Factory

    Cosmic Factory


    In the Cosmic Factory game, form the most beautiful universe by positioning, skillfully and in one minute, your galaxy tiles and trying to master chaos!

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    Un seul but : se débarrasser de ses dés. Le piège : moins vous en avez, plus ce sera difficile! Les règles très simples cachent un mécanisme hy...

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    Canardage is a simple and delusional card game. Put your ducks at the shelter and duck the opponent volatiles because the last survivor will be the winner!

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    In Calico, the players compete to sew the most cozy top of the bed while bringing together and placing patches of different colors and patterns.

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    Similo : Animaux


    In Similo: Animals, make the other players guess a secret animal among the 12 in the center of the table using the clues in your cards.

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    Similo : Animaux Sauvages


    Similo Animaux sauvages is a cooperative deduction game in which players must find the narrator's secret animal with the help of other animals. Use the other cards in your hand as clues.

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    Mariposas is a travel and collection game that invites you to be part of this incredible journey. It is played over three seasons.

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    The Loop


    The Loop is a cooperative game that opposes you to evil Doctor Foo. Choose a character and equip it on to deal with the dangers that litter the corridors of time.

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    La Grande Evasion


    Escape or keep the prisoners inside? In this game, you play either a prisoner trying to escape or a guard trying to keep all the prisoners in the prison.

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    Wingspan - Extension Europe


    In this first expansion to Wingspan, we increase the scope of the world to include the regal, beautiful, and varied birds of Europe.

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    Trivial Pursuit Famille


    Trivial Pursuit Family is a version of the famous knowledge game adapted to all members of the family. In this family edition, children will be able to challenge parents on a pleiade of new questions.

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    In Punto, you're trying to create a line of four or five of your cards, but you can't always place them where you want.

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    You play two hikers who hike the park's trails during all four seasons of the year. On the trails, you will collect memories and take action. This will provide you with resources that you can exchange for a visit to a national park at the end of each hike.

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    Meadow is an engaging set collection game with over two hundred unique cards containing hand-painted watercolor illustrations. In the game, players take the role of explorers competing for the title of the most skilled nature observer.

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    Ticket to Ride - France & Old West


    Dive into thriving French culture during Impressionism and the Industrial Revolution; street cafes, "Starry Night", Paris boulevards, and Notre-Dame.

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    Living Forest


    Four nature spirits have been assigned to save the sacred tree from Onibi's devastating flames. Each of them will have to choose among the elements brought to them by the Guardian Animals to replant protective trees, repel Onibi's flames or awaken Sanki, the Guardian of the forest...

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    Cascadia is a game assembly of tiles and tokens draft featuring habitats and wildlife from the North West Pacific. It's up to you to create a diversified and harmonious ecosystem.

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    Codex Naturalis


    In Codex Naturalis, you are responsible for continuing the work of the Enlightenment Tybor Kwelein monk. Assemble the pages of the Naturalis codex, the secret manuscript which lists the species of the four living kingdoms in the primary forests.

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    New York Zoo


    In New York Zoo, it's up to you to build the largest zoo in the first city of the United States. Expand the size of your enclosures and the number of animals present in the park.

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    Paleo is a cooperative adventure game that takes place at the Stone Age, a game in which players try to keep in life the human beings they charge while performing missions.

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    Paleo - Extension Une Nouvelle Ère


    A New Era is the first expansion for the Paleo cooperative game, which takes a leap in time by offering 6 new game modules.

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    Unstable Unicorns


    Build a Unicorn Army. Betray your friends. Unicorns are your friends now. Unstable Unicorns is a strategic card game about everyone’s two favorite things: Destruction and Unicorns!

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