
Top 10

Top 10

Jennifer par Jennifer

  • Harry Potter - Bataille à Poudlard


    Play as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Neville Londubat in their fight against Voldemort in this cooperative deck-building game.

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  • The Loop


    The Loop is a cooperative game that opposes you to evil Doctor Foo. Choose a character and equip it on to deal with the dangers that litter the corridors of time.

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  • Unlock ! – Mythic Adventures

    With this 8th opus of the Unlock saga, discover 3 new exciting adventures: a round-the-world tour in 80 days, a dive into Greek antiquity and a new adventure with Noside.

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  • 4/10



    Paleo is a cooperative adventure game that takes place at the Stone Age, a game in which players try to keep in life the human beings they charge while performing missions.

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  • 5/10



    In Welcome, players are American architects in the 50s, during the Baby Boom.

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  • 6/10

    Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale


    In Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale, as a cartographer in the service of Queen Gimnax, you are sent to map the territory of the North Lands. Respond to royal requests and increase your reputation.

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  • 7/10

    MicroMacro : Crime City


    The Crime City Police need your help to deal with a wave of extraordinary crimes. Use all your observation and deduction skills to solve these cases.

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  • 8/10




    In Villainous, each player takes control of one of six Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie.

  • 9/10



    In Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world!

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  • 10/10

    Les Charlatans de Belcastel


    Once every year, the city of Quedlinburg holds a 9-day bazaar within its city walls.

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