
Legacy / narratif

Legacy / narratif Approuvé par 19 player(s)

Dobeti par Dobeti

  • Clank! : Legacy - Acquisitions Incorporated


    Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a Legacy game in which you will work with and against your co-venturiers as part of a game campaign. Discover your young treasure hunters to immortal glory.

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  • Le Dilemme du Roi


    The King's Dilemma is an interactive narrative experience with legacy elements, featuring several branching storylines leading to many possible finales and an evolving deck of event cards at its core. Players represent the various houses leading the government of the Kingdom of Ankist.

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  • Pandemic Legacy - Saison 0


    Designed as a prequel, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 does not require you to have completed Season 1 and Season 2 before diving into this Cold War spy thriller.

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  • 4/11



    Maracaibo, the new strategy game for 1-4 players by Alexander Pfister, is set in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The players try to increase their influence in three nations in four rounds with a play time of 40 minutes per player.

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  • 5/11

    My City


    My City is a competitive "Legacy" game in which you will have to develop a city on your own game board through the ages.

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  • 6/11

    Vampire La Mascarade - Héritage


    Vampire: The Masquerade - Legacy is a competitive legacy game that takes you through a chronicle of 21 games, each influencing its time and the next.

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  • 7/11



    Oltréé is a cooperative and narrative game. In this game, you play as Patrollers, whose mission is to protect the inhabitants of the ancient empire, explore the wilderness, establish links between communities, hunt down and fight monsters, and find the ancient treasures of the Emperor so that hope may one day be reborn.

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  • 8/11



    Destinies is a competitive, story-driven, game of adventure and exploration, mixing an app and a board game.

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  • 9/11

    Sleeping Gods

    Sleeping Gods


    Sleeping Gods is a cooperative game, played in a campaign, each session can last as long as you want.

  • 10/11

    RPG Audio Box - Cthulhu : Le Pacte d'Innsmouth


    RPG Audio Box - Cthulhu: Le Pacte d'Innsmouth invites you to dive into an immersive adventure and discover role-playing games thanks to simple mechanics and a mobile application that will serve as your Game Master

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  • 11/11



    Perspectives is a cooperative investigation game with shared information! Lead the investigation by discovering key information in the form of photographs, reports and other clues.

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